Saturday, 16 August 2014

java features


  • Looks familiar to existing programmers: related to C and C++:
  • Omits many rarely used, poorly understood, confusing features of C++, like operator overloading, multiple inheritance, automatic coercions, etc.
  • Contains no goto statement, but break and continue
  • Has no header files and eliminated C preprocessor
  • Eliminates much redundancy (e.g. no structs, unions, or functions)
  • has no pointers
  • Added features to simplify:
  • Garbage collection, so the programmer won't have to worry about storage management, which leads to fewer bugs.
  • A rich predefined class library

  • Object-Oriented

    Java is an object-oriented language, which means that you focus on the data in your application and methods that manipulate that data, rather than thinking strictly in terms of procedures.
    In an object-oriented system, a class is a collection of data and methods that operate on that data. Taken together, the data and methods describe the state and behavior of an object. Classes are arranged in a hierarchy, so that a subclass can inherit behavior from its superclass.
    Java comes with an extensive set of classes, arranged in packages, that you can use in your programs.


  • It has a spring-like transparent RPC system
  • Now uses mostly tcp-ip based protocols like ftp & http
  • Java supports various levels of network connectivity through classes in the package (e.g. the URL class allows a Java application to open and access remote objects on the internet).


    The Java compiler generates byte-codes, rather than native machine code. To actually run a Java program, you use the Java interpreter to execute the compiled byte-codes. Java byte-codes provide an architecture-neutral object file format. The code is designed to transport programs efficiently to multiple platforms.

  • rapid turn-around development
  • Software author is protected, since binary byte streams are downloaded and not the source code

  • Robust

    Java has been designed for writing highly reliable or robust software:
  • language restrictions (e.g. no pointer arithmetic and real arrays) to make it impossible for applications to smash memory (e.g overwriting memory and corrupting data)
  • Java does automatic garbage collection, which prevents memory leaks
  • extensive compile-time checking so bugs can be found early; this is repeated at runtime for flexibilty and to check consistency

  • Secure

    Security is an important concern, since Java is meant to be used in networked environments. Without some assurance of security, you certainly wouldn't want to download an applet from a random site on the net and let it run on your computer. Java's memory allocation model is one of its main defenses against malicious code (e.g can't cast integers to pointers, so can't forge access). Furthermore:
  • access restrictions are enforced (public, private)
  • byte codes are verified, which copes with the threat of a hostile compiler

  • Architecture-Neutral

  • compiler generates bytecodes, which have nothing to do with a particular computer architecture
  • easy to interpret on any machine

  • Portable

    Java goes further than just being architecture-neutral:
  • no "implementation dependent" notes in the spec (arithmetic and evaluation order)
  • standard libraries hide system differences
  • the Java environment itself is also portable: the portability boundary is POSIX compliant

  • High-Performance

    Java is an interpreted language, so it will never be as fast as a compiled language as C or C++. In fact, it is about 20 times as slow as C. However, this speed is more than enough to run interactive, GUI and network-based applications, where the application is often idle, waiting for the user to do something, or waiting for data from the network.


    Java allows multiple concurrent threads of execution to be active at once. This means that you could be listening to an audio clip while scrolling the page and in the background downloading an image. Java contains sophisticated synchronization primitives (monitors and condition variables), that are integrated into the language to make them easy to use and robust. The java.lang package provides a Thread class that supports methods to start, run, and stop a thread, and check on its status.


    Java was designed to adapt to an evolving environment:

  • Even after binaries have been released, they can adapt to a changing environment
  • Java loads in classes as they are needed, even from across the network
  • It defers many decisions (like object layout) to runtime, which solves many of the version problems that C++ has

  • Dynamic linking is the only kind there is
  • Monday, 21 July 2014

    Object-oriented programming

    features of oop

    1. Object
    2. Class
    3. Data Hiding and Encapsulation
    4. Dynamic Binding
    5. Message Passing
    6. Inheritance
    7. Polymorphism                                                                                                                                     OBJECT: Object is a collection of number of entities. Objects take up space in the memory. Objects are instances of classes. When a program is executed , the objects interact by sending messages to one another. Each object contain data and code to manipulate the data. Objects can interact without having know details of each others data or code.                                                                                                POLYMORPHISM: A greek term means ability to take more than one form. An operation may exhibite different behaviours in different instances. The behaviour depends upon the types of data used in the operation.
      • Operator Overloading 
      • Function Overloading                                                                                                                         CLASS: Class is a collection of objects of similar type. Objects are variables of the type class. Once a class has been defined, we can create any number of objects belonging to that class. Eg: grapes bannans and orange are the member of class fruit.
        Fruit orange;
        In the above statement object mango is created which belong to the class fruit.
        NOTE: Classes are user define data types.                                                                                        INHERITANCE: it is the process by which object of one class aquire the properties or features of objects of another class. The concept of inheritance provide the idea of reusability means we can add additional features to an existing class without Modifying it. This is possible by driving a new class from the existing one. The new class will have the combined features of both the classes.
        Example:  Robine is a part of the class flying bird which is again a part of the class bird.                       DATA ABSTRACTION AND ENCAPSULATION:
        Combining data and functions into a single unit called class and the process is known as Encapsulation.Data encapsulation is important feature of a class. Class contains both data and functions. Data is not accessible from the outside world and only those function which are present in the class can access the data. The insulation of the data from direct access by the program is called data hiding or information hiding. Hiding the complexity of proram is called Abstraction and only essential features are represented.In short we can say that internal working is hidden.

    Tuesday, 27 May 2014



    A computer system has many resources, which may be
    required to solve a problem: CPU, memory at different levels,
    bandwidth of I/O devices, e.g., disk and host networkinterface,
    and bandwidth of the system bus. In Figure 3, the
    basic resource types CPU, memory, and bandwidth are
    partitioned into concrete system resources.
    One of the primary functions of an OS is to multiplex
    these resources among the users of the system. In the advent
    of conflicting resource requests, the traditional OS
    must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate
    the computer system fairly and efficiently [Peterson et
    al. 85]. Fairness and efficiency are still the most important
    goals for resource management in today’s commodity OSs.
    However, with respect to multimedia applications, other
    goals that are related to timeliness become of central importance.
    For example, user interactions and synchronization
    require short response times with upper bounds, and
    multimedia streams require a minimum throughput for a
    certain period of time. These application requirements are
    specified as QoS requirements. Typical application-level
    QoS specifications include parameter types like frame rate,
    resolution, jitter, end-to-end delay, and synchronization
    skew [Nahrstedt et al. 99]. These high-level parameters
    have to be broken down (or mapped) into low-level parameters
    and resources that are necessary to support the
    requested QoS, like CPU time per period, amount of memory,
    and average and peak network bandwidth. A discussion
    of this mapping process is beyond the scope of this
    paper, but we want to emphasize at this point that such a
    specification of resource requirements is difficult to
    achieve. A constant frame rate does not necessarily require
    constant throughput and constant execution time per period.
    Furthermore, user interactions can generate unpredictable
    resource requirements.
    In order to meet QoS requirements from applications
    and users, it is necessary to manage the system resources in
    such a manner that sufficient resources are available at the
    right time to perform the task with the requested QoS. In
    particular, resource management in OS for QoS comprises
    the following basic tasks:
    Specification and allocation request for resources that
    are required to perform the task with the requested
    Admission control includes a test whether enough resources
    are available to satisfy the request without interfering
    with previously granted requests. The way
    this test is performed depends on requirement specification
    and allocation mechanism used for this resource.
    Allocation and scheduling mechanisms assure that a
    sufficient share of the resource is available at the right
    time. The type of mechanism depends on the resource
    type. Resources that can only exclusively be used by a
    single process at a time have to be multiplexed in the
    temporal domain. In other words, exclusive resources,
    like CPU or disk I/O, have to be scheduled. Basically,
    we can differentiate between fair scheduling, real-time
    scheduling, and work and non-work conserving scheduling
    mechanisms. So-called shared resources, like
    memory, basically require multiplexing in the spatial
    domain, which can be achieved, e.g., with the help of a
    Accounting tracks down the actual amount of resources
    that is consumed in order to perform the task.
    Accounting information is often used in scheduling
    mechanisms to determine the order of waiting requests.
    Accounting information is also necessary to
    make sure that no task consumes more resources than
    negotiated and steals them (in overload situations)
    from other tasks. Furthermore, accounting information
    might trigger system-initiated adaptation.
    Adaptation might be initiated by the user/application
    or the system and can mean to downgrade QoS and
    corresponding resource requirements, or to upgrade
    them. Adaptation leads in any case to new allocation
    parameters. Accounting information about the actual
    resource consumption might be used to optimize
    resource utilization.
    Deallocation frees the resources.
    Specification, admission control, and allocation and
    scheduling strongly depend on the particular resource type,
    while adaptation and resource accounting represent more
    resource type independent principles. Thus, the following
    two subsections introduce adaptation and resource accounting,
    before we discuss the different system resources
    in more detail.
    There are two motivations for adaptation in multimedia
    systems: (1) resource requirements are hard to predict, e.g.,
    VBR video and interactivity; and (2) resource availability
    cannot be guaranteed if the system includes best-effort sub-
    Main memory
    Disk I/O
    Resources Bandwidth Bus
    Figure 3: Operating system resources

    Monday, 26 May 2014

    Charts in Microsoft Excel 2007

     Microsoft Excel 2007 provides an easy and systematic way to represent text or numeric data in a tabular format. Microsoft Excel 2007 provides you another powerful and easy to tool, which present the data in the pictorial form called Charts. Charts help to compare and data in a more interesting, attractive and efficient manner as it is rightly said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.
    ·       Column Chart
    ·       Bar Chart
    ·       Line Chart
    ·        Area Chart
    ·       Pie Chart
    ·       XY (Scatter) Chart
    ·       Doughnut Chart
    ·       Radar Chart
    ·       Chart Title
    ·       X-axis or Categories Axis

    ·       Y-axis or Value Axis
    ·       Data Series
    ·       Legends
    ·       Grid lines
    ·       Plot Area
    ·       Chart Area
    ·       Data Labels
    ·       Axis Titles
    Ø Select the chart whose location is to be changed.
    Ø Click on design tab under the chart tools.
    Ø Click OK button to move the chart.
    ·       X-axis or Categories Axis

    ·       Y-axis or Value Axis

    Friday, 23 May 2014

    Operating System Software

    Operating system is one of the most important software present in the computer system. It acts as an interface between user and computer, so that user can easily interact with the hardware components of the computer system to get there work done. Along with this it also performs many routines jobs in the computer like memory management, processer management, resources management, etc. Overall it controls the entire working in the computer system.
                                                                                                                                            Major components of Operating System
    ·       Hardware
    ·       The Operating System
    ·       Application Software
    ·        The Human Ware (users)

    Function of Operating System
    Operating system is one of the memory resident programs which is loaded in the main memory (RAM) of the system when we switch on the computer system and stays there till the system switched off. It is due to the presence of this software, a user controls the working of computer system. It manages the functioning of hardware components and the storage of information in the form of files and folders.
    Major functions of Operating System 

    ·       Processor Management
    ·       Memory Management
    ·       Device Management
    ·       Information Management
    Types of Operating System
    ·       Single User Operating System
    ·       Multitasking Operating System
    ·       Multiuser Operating System
    ·       Real Time Operating System
    Popular Operating Systems
    ·        UNIX
    ·       LINUX


    Similarly, computer networking is a concept where two or more computers are connected with each other through some communication medium to share there information and resources with each other. The computers connected in a network can communicate with each other as well as they can also work independently.

    Advantage of Computer Networking
    ·       Information Sharing :
    ·       Resource Sharing :
    ·       Communication Sharing :

    Types of Computer Network
    ·       LAN (Local Area Network)
    ·       MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
    ·       WAN(Wide Area Network)

    Network Hardware

     To connect the computers in a network, various types of hardware components are needed depending upon the type of network.
    Hardware Components
    ·       Network Interface Card (NIC)
    ·       Transmission Medium
    ·       Hub
    ·       Switch
    ·       Router
    ·       Connector                                                                                                                               

    Network Software
    To send and receive information from one computer to another, along with the network hardware, one requires the software as well.
    Main Software Required
    ·       Network Operating System (NOS)
    ·       Protocol

    Wednesday, 21 May 2014

    advantages of client/server computing

    1. user friendly application .
    2. n/w security .
    3. A server units for client request.
    4. Client format server response for the application.
    5. Client communication with server. 
    6. centralization
    7. sociability
    8. interchangeability

    Tuesday, 20 May 2014


    • Client- Server network has a server for providing some specific application and services to network clients.
    • There can be multiple servers,with each server providing a specific service or a single server providing various services.
    • A computer network with a large geographical coverage may use multiple servers whereas a network with a smaller geographical coverage may use a single server.
    • A client-server network forming is more common and is mostly used in computer networks.

    Some examples of the services provided by Servers in Client-Server Networks are:

    • Authentication Servers
    • File and Print Servers
    • Application Servers
    • Mail Servers

    file server

     a file server is a computer attached to a network that has the primary purpose of providing a location for shared disk accessIn the client/server model, a file server is a computer responsible for the central storage and management of data files so that other computers on the same network can access the files. NOTE: When you connect to a file server on a local network, it usually appears as a hard disk on your computer. You can double-click the hard disk icon to view the contents and browse throughdirectories on the server, just like local folders. If you want to copy a file from the server to your computer, simply drag the file to your desktop or another folder on your local disk. If the file server has write permissions enabled, you can also copy local files to the server by dragging them to a directory on the server. When you copy files to or from the file server, it may appear that they are simply being transferred from one local folder to another. However, the files are actually being transferred across the network.

    Monday, 19 May 2014

    इंटरनेट की प्रकृति और विशेषताओं का वर्णन. (महत्वपूर्ण)

    नेटवर्क का एक नेटवर्क एक इंटरनेट के रूप में कहा जाता है. इसमें कंप्यूटर सिस्टम एक लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क में एक दूसरे के साथ जुड़े हुए हैं. उन्होंने यह भी एक राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर कंप्यूटर से जुड़े हैं. फाइबर ऑप्टिक केबल, मुड़ - जोड़ी तांबे के तार, माइक्रोवेव संचरण, या अन्य संचार medias वेब का एक हिस्सा है जो प्रत्येक नोड को जोड़ने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है. वेब पर कंप्यूटर एक दूसरे के साथ संवाद जब नियमों का एक सेट का पालन किया जाता है. ये नियम इंटरनेट प्रोटोकॉल के रूप में कहा जाता है. एक पैकेट स्विचित नेटवर्क के रूप में संचार के इस प्रकार में, इंटरनेट काम करता है. प्रेषित किए जाने की जरूरत है कि डेटा छोटे पैकेट में टूट गया है. अंतिम गंतव्य के पते के पैकेट के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है. ये पैकेट अपने अंतिम गंतव्य तक कंप्यूटर से कंप्यूटर अलग मार्ग का अनुसरण कर सकते हैं. अंतिम गंतव्य पर प्राप्तकर्ता मशीन पैकेट reassembles.

    Sunday, 18 May 2014

    Are you interested in obtaining information on a domain name orAre you interested in obtaining information on a domain name or have you been dealing with a domain name registrant who is in possession of a domain name you feel you are entitled to? Examples of my legal service fees are: $250 for the initiation of inquiries into the status and availability of a domain name, and $1500 for the initiation of a domain name dispute with an ICANN approved arbitration provider. These fees do not include filing fees or other expenses that may be related to your matter. Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you get started protecting your trade or service mark. Other Intellectual Property Services Among other legal services that I provide are licensing, litigation support and intellectual property audits. The fees for these services and others depend on the complexity and time involved in production of the work product and my fees do not include third party fees that may be necessary for the maintenance or completion of your matter. I offer a free consultation so we can discuss the specific needs related to your matter as well a review of the estimated costs and fees involved. Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you with your intellectual property matter.

    Are you interested in obtaining information on a domain name or have you been dealing with a domain name registrant who is in possession of a domain name you feel you are entitled to? Examples of my legal service fees are: $250 for the initiation of inquiries into the status and availability of a domain name, and $1500 for the initiation of a domain name dispute with an ICANN approved arbitration provider.

    These fees do not include filing fees or other expenses that may be related to your matter. Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you get started protecting your trade or service mark.

    Other Intellectual Property Services

    Among other legal services that I provide are licensing, litigation support and intellectual property audits. The fees for these services and others depend on the complexity and time involved in production of the work product and my fees do not include third party fees that may be necessary for the maintenance or completion of your matter. I offer a free consultation so we can discuss the specific needs related to your matter as well a review of the estimated costs and fees involved.

    Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you with your intellectual property matter.

    Domain Name

    Domain Disputes Prices for domain name dispute attorney services begin at $250 and depend on the complexity and time involved in production of the work. There may be other fees related to a domain name dispute, such as mailing costs and arbitration provider fees, if needed. We can discuss the specific costs of your domain name dispute matter over the phone or email before you commit to expend funds. I offer a free consultation to get you educated on what you need to do to initiate or defend a domain name dispute.

    Are you interested in obtaining information on a domain name or have you been dealing with a domain name registrant who is in possession of a domain name you feel you are entitled to? Examples of my legal service fees are: $250 for the initiation of inquiries into the status and availability of a domain name, and $1500 for the initiation of a domain name dispute with an ICANN approved arbitration provider.

    These fees do not include filing fees or other expenses that may be related to your matter. Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you get started protecting your trade or service mark.

    Other Intellectual Property Services

    Among other legal services that I provide are licensing, litigation support and intellectual property audits. The fees for these services and others depend on the complexity and time involved in production of the work product and my fees do not include third party fees that may be necessary for the maintenance or completion of your matter. I offer a free consultation so we can discuss the specific needs related to your matter as well a review of the estimated costs and fees involved.

    Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you with your intellectual property matter.

    what is Trademark

    Patent Information My fees for trademark attorney services, such as the preparation and submission of a United Stated Federal trademark application, begin at $250. This $250 fee does not include any Patent and Trademark official filing fees (currently $325 for one class of goods or services.) Your trademark application may require more than one class. My other fees, both flat and hourly, will depend on the complexity and amount of time involved in production of the required work. The Patent and Trademark Office also charges fees for many activities, for example the initial filing fee. Please contact me to discuss the anticipated fees and costs involved in your trademark or service mark matter. I offer a free consultation to get you educated on what you need to do to get started. A typical filing will involve filing the application with the US Patent and Trademark Office and responding to one or more office actions regarding the application.
    Trademark searches start at $300 and can increase in cost in proportion to the thoroughness and breadth of the trademark search desired.

    Are you interested in complete service from search to filing to prosecution, issuance and maintenance? Or have you filed an application and received an official "office action" from the Patent and Trademark office and you just need help with the response? I can provide assistance if you have attempted to file an application and have received an office action such as a rejection and also if you wish to start or maintain a portfolio of world wide brand protection at an affordable cost.

    Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you with your trademark or servicemark.

    Copyright Pricing Information

    Copyright Information Prices for copyright services begin at $250 and can vary depending on the complexity of the matter as well as the time involved in production of the work. The Copyright Office also charges fees for many activities, including the first filing of a copyright application. We can discuss the specific costs of your copyright matter over the phone or email before you commit to spend. I offer a free consultation to get you educated on what you need to do to get started.

    Contact me today to discuss what I can do to help you with your copyright matter.

    what is Patent

    searches are requested Patent Information Prices for patent attorney services begin at $1000 and will vary depending on the complexity and time involved in the production of the work product. The Patent and Trademark Office also charges fees for many activities, including the first filing of a new patent application and the issuance of an allowed application. We can discuss the anticipated costs of the filing of your invention's application before you commit to engage me to prepare and file your patent application. I offer an initial consultation at no charge so that we can discuss your options.
    Patent novelty searches start at $400 and can also vary in relation to the complexity of your invention as well as the amount of time required to prepare and file your application. Although not required by the Patent and Trademark Office, a patent search in many instances may help you determine more than just whether or not your invention is new. Feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail, at no initial cost, to discuss your specific situation.

    In addition to "how much will this patent application cost?", a frequently asked question that I get asked, is "can I make payments?" The answer is yes. Please contact me to discuss your situation and in most instances I can assist you with initiating the process to establish and protect your inventorship of your new idea.

    Examples of my legal service fees are: $2500 to $3500 in legal fees for a simple mechanical utility patent application, $3500 to $4500 for a simple electro-mechanical device, and $4000 to $6000 for a simple software application. These fees do not include U.S. Patent and Trademark Office fees, foreign patent office fees, drawing fees, and patent prior art search fees, if one or more patent.

    Explain the term digital signature. What is a digital signature certificate.

    Digital Signature: The IT Act states that where any law provides that information shall be in writing or in printed form, the requirement is deemed to be satisfied if such information is in an electronic form and is accessible for subsequent reference. The key ingredients of the formation of electronic contracts comprise communication of offer and acceptance by electronic means, verification of the source of the communication, authentication of the time and place of dispatch and finally the verifiability of the receipt of the data communication. A 'digital signature' may be affixed to authenticate an electronic record. The digital signature serves to satisfy the legal requirement of affixing of a signature in a written or printed document. The Central Government has the power to make rules about the type of digital signature, the manner and format of digital certificate that shall be affixed, control process and procedures to ensure adequate integrity, security and confidentiality of electronic records and payments. Digital Signature Certificate: It certifies the identity of the subscriber and implies his acceptance of the provisions of this act and the rules and regulations contained therein. The certificate is issued only on the following grounds:

    1. The Certifying Authority being satisfied that the information contained in the application of certificate is accurate.
    2. The subscriber holds a Private Key capable of creating a Public Key.
    3. The Private Key corresponds to the Public Key to be listed in the Digital Signature Certificate.
    4. The Public Key to be listed in the certificate can be used to verify a digital signature affixed by the Private Key held by the subscriber.

    But the certifying authority can revoke a digital signature certificate issued by it, if required.

    What are the evidentiary presumptions of a secured electronic document. Explain the process of encryption and decryption of data.

    An electronic document is said to be secure where any security procedure has been applied to the electronic document at a specific point of time. Such a document is deemed to be secure till the time of verification. But there is no presumption about the integrity and authenticity of the electronic record. To create a legally bound electronic document is technologically complex. A legally enforceable electronic document must pass the test of authentication, non-repudiation, confidentiality, and information integrity during transmission or storage. The key element in the authentication of a paper-based document is the signature of the contracting persons. Likewise an electronic signature is the key in an electronic record. The equivalent electronic signature is referred to as digital signature. A digital signature is to identify the sender of the electronic record, authenticate the originator of the message and to certify that the message could not have been tampered with during the course of its transmission. The process of making the information unintelligible to the unauthorized reader is known as encryption of data. The process of making the information readable once again is known as decryption of data. The science of Cryptography is made up of encryption and decryption. There are two types of Cryptographic systems - symmetric and asymmetric. The symmetric Crypto system consists of both the sender and the receiver having access and sharing a common 'Key' to encrypt or decrypt a message. The asymmetric Crypto system is a more a secure system. This system uses two keys. The originator of the document 

    .What is meant by unauthorized access to a computer under the provisions of the IT Act, 2000.

    The IT Act defines unauthorized access by any person as acts done without the permission of the owner, which includes:

    • Accessing or securing access to such computer, computer system or computer network,
    • Downloading, copying or extracting any data or information for such computer, computer system or computer network including information or data held or stored on any removable storage medium,
    • Introducing any computer virus or contaminant in the computer, computer system or network,
    • Damaging the computer, computer system or network,
    • Disrupting the working of the computer, computer system or network,
    • Disrupting the access of the computer, computer system or network to an authorized user
    • Providing assistance to ensure unauthorized access to the computer, computer system or network,
    The penalty to be paid by the person for unauthorized access by way of compensation not exceeding one crore rupees to the affected person

    Explain the term digital signature. What is a digital signature certificate.(v.v.important

    Digital Signature: The IT Act states that where any law provides that information shall be in writing or in printed form, the requirement is deemed to be satisfied if such information is in an electronic form and is accessible for subsequent reference. The key ingredients of the formation of electronic contracts comprise communication of offer and acceptance by electronic means, verification of the source of the communication, authentication of the time and place of dispatch and finally the verifiability of the receipt of the data communication. A 'digital signature' may be affixed to authenticate an electronic record. The digital signature serves to satisfy the legal requirement of affixing of a signature in a written or printed document. The Central Government has the power to make rules about the type of digital signature, the manner and format of digital certificate that shall be affixed, control process and procedures to ensure adequate integrity, security and confidentiality of electronic records and payments. Digital Signature Certificate: It certifies the identity of the subscriber and implies his acceptance of the provisions of this act and the rules and regulations contained therein. The certificate is issued only on the following grounds:

    1. The Certifying Authority being satisfied that the information contained in the application of certificate is accurate.
    2. The subscriber holds a Private Key capable of creating a Public Key.
    3. The Private Key corresponds to the Public Key to be listed in the Digital Signature Certificate.
      1. The Public Key to be listed in the certificate can be used to verify a digital signature affixed by the Private Key held by the subscriber.

      But the certifying authority can revoke a digital signature certificate issued by it, if required.

    What are the evidentiary presumptions of a secured electronic document. Explain the process of encryption and decryption of data.

    An electronic document is said to be secure where any security procedure has been applied to the electronic document at a specific point of time. Such a document is deemed to be secure till the time of verification. But there is no presumption about the integrity and authenticity of the electronic record. To create a legally bound electronic document is technologically complex. A legally enforceable electronic document must pass the test of authentication, non-repudiation, confidentiality, and information integrity during transmission or storage. The key element in the authentication of a paper-based document is the signature of the contracting persons. Likewise an electronic signature is the key in an electronic record. The equivalent electronic signature is referred to as digital signature. A digital signature is to identify the sender of the electronic record, authenticate the originator of the message and to certify that the message could not have been tampered with during the course of its transmission. The process of making the information unintelligible to the unauthorized reader is known as encryption of data. The process of making the information readable once again is known as decryption of data. The science of Cryptography is made up of encryption and decryption. There are two types of Cryptographic systems - symmetric and asymmetric. The symmetric Crypto system consists of both the sender and the receiver having access and sharing a common 'Key' to encrypt or decrypt a message. The asymmetric Crypto system is a more a secure system. This system uses two keys. The originator of the document keeps one of the keys known as the 'Private key' and the other key is sent to the recipient of the message. The recipient affixes the digital signature when he uses the public key to open the message sent to him. Thus the combination of the Public Key and the Private Key provide both confidentiality and authentication, which enables for secure electronic transmission.

    Explain the essentials of Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) platform.(v.v.important)

    P3P aims at providing a simple, automated way for users to gain more control over the use of personal information on websites they browse. P3P is a standardized set of multiple-choice questions about the website's privacy policies. Online customers can answer these questions to select the way their personal information will be handled by the service provider. This snapshot could be read by P3P enabled browsers and set according to the set of privacy preferences of the consumer. P3P not only provides facilitating environment for the consumer to decide, negotiate and firm up the contractual relationship, but also recognizes nine aspects of online privacy. The first five aspects deal with (a) who is collecting this data? (b) Exactly what information is being collected? (c) for what purposes? (d) which information is being shared with others? (e) and who are these recipients? The remaining four aspects focus on the site's internal privacy policies. They include (a) can users make changes in how their data is used? (b) how are disputes resolved? (c) what is the policy for retaining data? (d) and where can be detailed policies found in human readable form?

    P3P is software to negotiate privacy agreements between websites and online visitors. It is a kind of social technology that involves not merely technology but also active participation of human beings

    . Discuss the policy approaches to privacy issues(Important)

    • The policy regime pertaining to protection of privacy concerns is premised upon the following three approaches:

    • Market approach: This approach rejects extrinsic legal enforcement and takes within its fold self regulatory mechanisms, which would enable the market players to employ or adopt. It does not talk about tangible consumer remedies.
    • Human rights approach: This approach recognizes rights to information and the related attribute of privacy as a human right.
    • Contract approach: This recognizes contract model. This model premises on the ground that in a given context the privacy concerns are better protected if the concern is treated as terms and conditions of the contract. Hence, the contract imposes an obligation on the parties to protect the privacy concerns. In the event of breach the contract itself provides for contractual remedies.

    What are the remedies for the breach of a contract.(v.v.important)

    The principal remedies for the breach of contract are:

    • Damages: The party who has broken the contract needs to pay compensation for any loss or damage that has occurred to the party with whom such a contract was entered into.
    • Specific performance of the contract: In certain cases, the court directs against the party in default for the "specific performance" of the contract. This means that the party will be asked to perform the obligations that he needs to perform according to the contract.
    • Injunction: An injunction is a preventive relief and is granted at the discretion of the court. The discretion of the court is not arbitrary but is guided by judicial principles. A further check on the discretion is the provision for correction through an appeal in a higher court.